Email has evolved significantly since its first use in 1971 by its inventor, Ray Tomlinson.

Every day, nearly 320 billion emails are sent and received by over 4 billion users worldwide.

Email remains by far the most effective medium in terms of ROI: on average, the cost/gain ratio generated is X44.

But to achieve this, it’s necessary to have a thoughtful approach to email: don’t send just anything, anytime, to anyone…

Histoires Digitales supports you in the creation and implementation of your email marketing strategy.

How does it work?



  • Audit of your messages and campaigns.

    We analyze all elements, from your mailing list, email design, texts, subject lines, aliases, and senders…

  • Technical review.

    We analyze your message code, deliverability rates, complaints, DNS settings, and whether you have implemented DKIM, SPF, and DMARC properly.

  • Campaigns data review.

    Growth of your mailing list, unsubscribe rates, most effective messages, best sending times…

  • Campaign Strategy review.

    Have you implemented a communication plan, considered seasonality, holidays, and personalized your messages?

  • Report :

    We provide a report covering all elements and offer recommendations.



After examining your campaigns, emails, audience, and defining your objectives, we develop a communication plan for the next 3 to 6 months.

  • Optimise the technical part.

We implement missing DNS records, clean the database, and streamline various email collection methods (forms, landing pages) in compliance with GDPR.

  • Email Template creation.

Design emails on Figma, Illustrator, or Photoshop, then integrate the designs into HTML format, ensuring perfect responsiveness across all devices.

  • Trigger definition.

We define indicators that will trigger campaign sends over time: new articles, anniversary dates, updates, nominations, or awards…

  • ESP Setup

We optimize ESP settings to streamline the campaign creation process.



Once the programming is complete, it’s time to execute. Histoires Digitales is a specialized email marketing agency, and we can manage all operations from A to Z.

  • Performance indicator definition:

We define with you the indicators to evaluate campaign performance based on your objectives.

  • Setting up communication methods:

On which platform will we communicate, within what timeframes? It’s important to establish some operational and communication rules.

  • Initial campaign setup and testing:

Before hitting the send button, it’s crucial to ensure everything is in order: testing messages in inboxes, on mobile and desktop, personalization settings, rendering tests…



The success of your campaigns over time largely depends on your ability to analyze results and adapt.

  • Analysis of key metrics:

Open rate, click-through rate, reactivity rate, conversion… each data point provides information on what can be improved. 

  • Optimization testing

A/B testing, different sending days and times, enriching the database, content optimization by segments… there are always ways to improve results.

Why is Histoires Digitales the perfect choice for your email marketing strategy?

We are experts

With over a thousand email marketing campaigns executed for hundreds of clients, we have the necessary experience to advise you effectively. We’ve made all the possible mistakes and learned from them.

We are independent

We are not tied to any specific tool, though we have our preferences. We guarantee a selection that fits your needs.

We speak multiple languages

We speak French, of course, as the company was created in France, but also English, Indonesian, Arabic, German, Italian, and Spanish.

We have solutions for all your email marketing needs

Whether you’re a large group, an SME, or a solopreneur, we have a solution for you.

We focus on data security and deliverability

Not only are we well-versed in GDPR, but we also have extensive experience in web development and domain management. DMARC, DKIM, SPF… we live and breathe email.

Some figures:

16+ years of experience in email marketing

250+ email designs created every single year

1000+ campaigns in France and internationally

15+ international certifications: Brevo, Hubspot…

16+ years of expertise in email marketing

We work with the majority of email marketing platforms on the market, , without exclusivity

(though we have our preferences).